Maternal mental health refers to a woman’s mental well-being during pregnancy and following childbirth. It includes a range of mental health conditions that can affect a woman during this time, such as postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, postpartum psychosis, postpartum bipolar disorder, and postpartum PTSD. These conditions are referred to as perinatal mood disorders, […]

What is Maternal Mental Health?

Dr. Jamie Lesser of Unfiltered Therapy and Ciara Lyons-Mama Coach get together to talk about Postpartum Health and Race within the healthcare system. How culture and systemic racism is hurting the perinatal population. Information is also provided on abnormal and normal conditions that can occur postpartum. Part 1 Postpartum Health and Managing Postpartum Anxiety Part […]

Unfiltered Talks with Dr. Jamie Lesser of Unfiltered Therapy and Ciara- Mama Coach

Horrific intrusive thoughts are common in OCD. These thoughts can be distressing and unwanted, causing anxiety. These thoughts can vary widely from person to person, and they often involve distressing and unwanted content. It’s important to note that experiencing these thoughts doesn’t mean a person wants them or would act on them. The notable sign […]

When OCD Gets Scary- Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts

Those who have experienced pregnancy or fetal loss experience a grief unique to the human experience. Whether the loss was chemical, within the first trimester, or at full term, the grief experienced is not one that can be easily explained. Everything changes the moment we find out we are pregnant and decide we want to […]

Pregnancy after loss- When will the rainbow appear?

You’ve been planning for the baby’s arrival, but have you been planning for yourself? The experience of postpartum depression, anxiety, or OCD can be incredibly challenging. What if you could prioritize your own needs to help prepare you for postpartum? In this episode, licensed acupuncturist Christina Nguyen and licensed psychologist Dr. Jamie Lesser dive into […]

A Discussion on Postpartum

Exposure therapy is helpful to treat a wide-range of anxiety and OCD-related disorders.  The purpose of exposure therapy is to change behavior.  When using exposure therapy, you challenge yourself to do things differently to eventually create less suffering. To learn to do things differently, you must first be tempted to do what you normally would.  […]

What is exposure therapy and how does it work?