What To Expect in EMDR Treatment

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a therapeutic approach that was originally developed to help individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). EMDR is now used for various conditions and has been found effective in treating a range of psychological issues.

The key components of EMDR include:

  1. Desensitization: The process of reducing the emotional intensity associated with traumatic or distressing memories.
  2. Reprocessing: Helping the individual process the traumatic memories in a way that leads to a more adaptive resolution.
  3. Bilateral Stimulation: This involves the use of rhythmic, side-to-side eye movements, sounds, or taps during the therapy sessions. The bilateral stimulation is believed to assist the brain in processing information more effectively.

EMDR typically involves the following phases:

  • History-taking and Treatment Planning: Understanding the client’s history and identifying target memories or issues to address.
  • Preparation: Introducing the client to the EMDR process and teaching coping strategies.
  • Assessment: Identifying specific memories or experiences that are targeted for processing.
  • Desensitization: Using bilateral stimulation while the client focuses on the targeted memory or issue.
  • Installation: Promoting positive beliefs and feelings to replace negative ones associated with the targeted memory.
  • Body Scan: Addressing any residual physical tension or discomfort related to the processed memory.
  • Closure: Ensuring the client is in a stable state before ending the session.
  • Reevaluation: Checking progress and addressing any remaining issues in subsequent sessions.

EMDR is considered an evidence-based therapy and has been found effective in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. Dr. Jerry Vu is experienced in providing EMDR to clients with a variety of issues. He tailors the EMDR protocol to the specific needs of his client and supports them with genuine empathetic understanding. Reach out if you think EMDR might be an option for you.

Anxiety, Depression, Individual Therapy, Loss, Trauma




What To Expect in EMDR Treatment

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